ECE Campus to be the home of PortXL

PortXL proudly announces to expand the collaboration with partner Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE) in Rotterdam. From March 2016 the ECE campus is to be the central office for the PortXL accelerator program and the participating port-related startups.

The Port of Rotterdam needs startup entrepreneurs for innovation and to drive sustainable growth. PortXL offers these startups an ecosystem of founders, investors, mentors and corporate partners. The ECE campus is the perfect environment for the port-related startups of PortXL to develop, learn, innovate and to make their business into a great professional success.

PortXL is a mentorship driven open innovation program to accelerate tech startups from all over the world focusing on port related industries. The program wants to strengthen innovative activities into the ecosystem of Rotterdam and open the port of Rotterdam network to startups.

Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship
The ECE Campus is situated in the Rotterdam Science Tower in the heart of the Innovation District. It is a hotbed for entrepreneurship and innovation. The office spaces of the ECE have a stunning view on the Rotterdam harbor – a truly inspiring place for the international port-related entrepreneurs of the PortXL program.

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